What is the relationship of teachers with curriculum

In my article this time, I am trying to learn to understand the curriculum and its relationship with the teacher is simple. Because if you read the explanation of the curriculum under the Act and guidelines was difficult to understand. Then how the curriculum is simple?

Before I explain more about the curriculum helps us pay attention to some of the complaints of teachers. Shall teachers need a curriculum? Without kurikulumpun teacher can still teach, is that right? So far we do not understand the teaching curriculum but still able to walk. As to whether a creature called the curriculum ?, why the curriculum is so important for a teacher?

Those are some questions and complaints of teachers about the curriculum, there are many teachers who do not understand the curriculum and its relationship with the teacher. To understand the curriculum and its relationship with the teachers and what is needed is to simplify understanding.

Try to note the terms of the curriculum according to law number 20 of 2003, the curriculum is a set of plans and arrangements regarding the objectives, content and learning materials as well as the means used to guide the implementation of learning activities to achieve national education goals.

Meanwhile, according to experts, for example Kerr, J.F (1968) are all learning curriculum designed and implemented individually or in groups, both in school and outside of school. Understanding the curriculum according Inlow (1966), expressed his opinion that a thorough understanding of the curriculum is specially designed effort by the school to guide students to obtain the results of a study that determined. According Neagley and Evans (1967), the notion of curriculum is all the experience that has been designed by the school. According to Beauchamp (1968), the notion of curriculum is a written document that implies contain subjects that will be taught to students through a variety of subjects, chosen disciplines, the problem in everyday life

Okay, maybe the definition above requires further deepening explanation, simply if you understand the SKL, Content Standards, Standards and Standards Assessment Process? If you already understand the standard four then you already understand the curriculum.

How does the curriculum with teachers? To answer this question, the following explanation, and you will automatically understand the relationship with the teacher curriculum.

Educational paradigm has changed over the implementation of the curriculum in 2013 although later postponed implementation and return to the SBC. Now, before the start of learning, teachers must first determine "what will be the student after graduation" or "competencies that must be mastered by the students". First-grade students have mastered what, second grade students have mastered what and so on until the year of high school students also have mastered what or minimal competencies that must be mastered. For that arranged through Graduate Competency Standards (SKL).

After SKL determined, or teachers already know targets to be achieved by the students, then the next question is "what should be loaded to the students to achieve SKL" is. The material is to be given to students from elementary, middle and high school, then drafted Content Standards (SI). In explaining the contents of the standard materials that should be taught to students in the form of Competency Standards and Basic Competence.

In order for the material that has been developed through the Content Standards can be accepted by the students, the teacher must know how to transfer the knowledge to the students. How the material will proceed so that students can receive the material to be taught. Then drafted Processing Standards which will guide teachers in presenting the material in class.

Furthermore, how do you know the achievement of competence? Surely there must be evaluated. Evaluation is an assessment that is intended to determine the level of success in the classroom. How methods of assessment and how the assessment instrument, it was arranged in the Standard Assessment. Assessment standards set all kinds of assessments can be carried out by teachers with reference to the Content Standards.

Thus, the curriculum can not be separated by the teacher, the presence of teachers implement the curriculum can facilitate learning in the classroom. The curriculum can help teachers to manage the classroom well, plan learning and achieving educational goals. Curriculum act as a guideline and guidance for teachers so that learning can be run in accordance with the concept of PAIKEM (active learning, innovative, creative, effective and fun)