Getting to know the characteristics of learners

One of the competencies that must be mastered by the teacher is pedagogical, pedagogical abilities teachers can help students follow the learning process. One that includes pedagogical competence is how teachers get to know the characteristics of learners. Characteristics referred to as the physical, intellectual, social, emotional, behavioral, moral and socio-cultural background.

Based on the data obtained, the teacher will act or treat learners in accordance with their respective characters so as to put the learners have equal opportunities to actively participate in learning activities. Of course, teachers have to have the right formula to manage the classroom, learners who have physical abnormalities and different learning abilities can get the same service with other students during the lesson.

On learners who have physical, teachers help discover the potential of the students in question so as to cover the physical abnormalities, making proud of his ability without seeing that happened as
barrier for him.

Once formed confidence, learners can help the learning success. No more learners are silent, but they began to show itself as the most important part in the learning process.